There are so many great things that I've come to love about Greece, that its hard to even try to get it all down on paper. First, the people. Everyone is so welcoming and open and love to talk! I fit right in, hah! I love that people begin to recognize you and respect you. I have a few restaurants that I go to that they'll know my name and my usual order. Now, I even get the famous discounts I wrote about my first week here! I never thought that would happen. I have one restaurant that I go to probably every other day, and the owner knows my favorite table and what I'm going to order. He also gives us free drinks & desserts on the house every night. Yesterday I went in and he began laughing when I didn't order my usual glass of wine, I told him he knows me so well!
I've loved meeting everyone on the trip and learning their stories. Everyone comes from somewhere different and has different things to bring to the table. I've appreciated many of their knowledge of Greek when I was stumbling with ordering or when I had no clue what was going on. I surprised myself with the things that I figured out or the things that came naturally to me, like finding my way around on a train or ordering food in Greek using as few words as possible.
I love the history that is Athens, everywhere you turn there is something to learn about. You can be walking down the street and run into an ancient ruin.
I love the prices of everything, especially because although sometimes they target tourists, everyone has been very nice and I have not at all felt that I overpaid for something. The food is fantastic and you definitely don't have to pay a lot for it! Plus water is cheap, even out the most I've paid is .50.
I love learning about the history of Greece and about the politics. I've heard stories about Greece before coming, and I definitely had different experiences than what I expected. I learned so much about politics and the peacefulness that is Greece.
I've come to love the food even though I love the food at home. I love ordering my usual bread and Greek Salad for lunch every day, and my favorite $2 Gyros. I LOVE the Fanta here, I'm definitely going to miss it because it tastes like orange juice with carbonation.
I'm glad we had internet in the apartment, because it made staying in touch with everyone easy. Also glad that Steve was able to put up with talking at weird times for both of us, and making it work!
To everyone on the trip, thank you. You truly made this experience one of a kind and I loved learning about all of you! To EIU Study Abroad, thanks for encouraging me out of my comfort zone and helping me with direct enroll. And my parents, most importantly, thank you for everything you do for me, every day. For helping me with this trip and being here to celebrate my 21st birthday with me!